Work place:
Atyrau Terminal
Contract type:
Shift pattern:
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Education and work experience:
Secondary professional education in the relevant speciality or other technical and not less than 2 years of work experience as Pipeline Operations Inspector.
Main functions:
- Development of technical documentation required for fault-free operation and compliance with the process conditions of oil pipeline, process equipment and terminal.
- Keeping and control over technical documentation related to oil pipeline, process equipment and terminal operation and control over its compliance with the ROK legislation and KPO standards.
- Control over safe work performance by personnel and contractors at the site and preparation of relevant documentation related to these works.
- Control over contractor companies’ works and ensure their compliance with the approved occupational health and safety, production and maintenance procedures and technical regulations.
- Participate in studying and analysing information, technical data, indicators and results of works, summarizing and classifying them by providing the managerial staff with processed and integrated data on pipeline, tank farm, pumping equipment, as well as shut-off valves operation.
- Participate in the planning of preventive and routine repairs, monitor the equipment commissioning upon repair completion.
- Monitor work performance in accordance with the work schedules on the linear part, submit timely requests for repair work, develop and update instructions within his/her competence, at the request of managerial staff prepare explanatory notes, maps, diagrams, other technical documentation, as well as established reporting.
- Check technical documentation upon receipt, monitor that the technical documentation for the equipment operation is relevant and up-to-date, as well as monitor the timing for the technical documentation updating.
- Closely cooperate with the maintenance department by preparing work schedules for the linear part of the pipeline, taking into account current pumping situations, current weather and road conditions and the possibility of performing work on a particular section of the pipeline, as well as interacts with other Field departments such as well operations, infield trunk lines in order to ensure that all the work is carried out on the linear part of KATS in accordance with KPO Permit to Work system and in full compliance with the production safety requirements and maintenance procedures.
- Prepare the work pack for working in protected areas of the third-party facilities upon the management’s request.
- Timely prepare the requests for equipment modifications, requests for provision of technical specifications and other documents required for oil pipeline, process equipment and the Terminal operation.
- Monitor the timely maintenance of records of inspections, repairs and registration of data in the inspection logs of the main equipment, repair logs and tank inspection logs, and, if necessary, provide reports on the identified violations.
- Participate in ensuring the fire safety at site and meeting the fire safety requirement by contractors’ personnel by being a part of the fire safety commission for KATS facilities and linear part.
- Control over the works on oil pipeline, tanks and PS pipelines internal inspection.
- Timely update operations and technical documentation, guidelines and procedures for safe operation of plants and equipment.
- Control over the works on repairing insulation defects and defects revealed in the result of oil pipeline internal inspection in order to ensure safe operation.
- Control the correct workplace arrangement and the rational placement of materials, parts, tools, and devices at work sites on the KATS linear part.
- Perform the other instructions of management / direct management within its competence.
Necessary knowledge and skills:
- legislative and the other regulatory and legal acts regulating the pipeline transport operations;
- oil pipeline equipment and rules for its technical operation, specifications, design features, purpose, operations conditions of the main oil pipelines, buildings and facilities of oil pumping stations;
- requirements specified by the main oil pipelines operating rules and the Company's procedures for ensuring safe working conditions;
- procedure, technology and methods for maintenance and repair of pipelines, equipment, OPS buildings and oil pipeline linear parts;
- company’s development prospects; production capacities of the company and its production facilities; specialization of company’s divisions and their production relations;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience in production management;
- computer equipment, communication means;
- production engineering, workplace management and business administration.
- read diagrams, maps indicating oil pipeline facilities, communication and cathodic protection (CP);
- work with operating documentation related to operation of oil pipeline facilities;
- make amendments to the documentation in the area of operations (process diagrams, oil pipeline facilities drawings, technical documentation related to operation of oil pipeline facilities);
- use regulatory and technical documentation (RTD), regulatory and legal acts related to operation of oil pipeline facilities;
- prepare accounting documentation for operation of oil pipeline facilities;
- carry out works on document flow management for operation of oil pipeline facilities;
- use reference and professional literature related to operation of oil pipeline facilities at work;
- skills of using modern computer equipment and communication means;
- skills of business correspondence related to services, procurement and contract terms.