Vice General Director's Office
Work place:
Aksai (field)
Contract type:
Shift pattern:
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Education and work experience:

Higher education (technical) in construction sphere and not less than 2 years of work experience as per speciality or secondary professional education (technical) and not less than 3 years of work experience in civil works control.

Main functions:

  • Supervise building and construction works performed by Contractors according to approved Social Project Plans;
  • Completed projects handover from Contractors;
  • Obtain bids from Contracts and Procurement Department for technical assessment;
  • Perform technical supervision under work (service) performance on behalf of a customer and completed project handover from a Contractor;
  • Control construction plans performance process, volume compliance, work time and quality of building and construction works, also the quality of materials used, products, structures with approved design estimate, drawings, construction norms and rules, standards, technical specifications and labour safety norms;
  • Participate in project modification issues due to modern technology introduction process, volume planning and constructive solutions, providing price decrease and project techno-economical characteristics improvement of building and reconstruction;
  • Participate in reviewing and approval of project changes arising during the working process, in case of necessity sort out the issues related to materials, products, structures (providing there no quality of work or service decrease);
  • Examine the reasons, causing time- schedule impacts and quality of building and construction works degradation, to take steps for its prevention and elimination;
  • Perform technical acceptance of completed building and construction works(services) and projects, to prepare necessary technical documentation;
  • Participate in project acceptance commissions and its handover to operational company;
  • Control the quality of faults fixing by construction companies, in time limits set by commission;
  • Keep the completed building and construction work record and prepare the necessary data for construction plans performance reporting;
  • Participate it the meetings with construction department of Akimat and to carry on correspondence with the responsible persons in Akimat on the issues of construction of the social facilities in Burlin district within his/her competence;
  • Prepare materials for newspaper articles within within his/her competence;
  • Participate at the meetings with local municipal bodies on the issues within within his/her competence.

Necessary knowledge and skills:

  • Resolutions, orders, instructions, methodical and standard materials for building and construction works performance;
  • Company technical development prospect;
  • Technical specifications and construction work performance schedules;
  • Standards, technical specifications for construction materials, products and structures;
  • Construction norms and rules;
  • Basis of production technology and ways of building and construction works performance;
  • Projects acceptance order and ways of quality control;
  • Design-estimate and other technical documentation preparation order;
  • Advanced domestic and external experience of building and construction works;
  • New materials, products and structures;
  • Basis of industrial engineering, labour and management;
  • Environment protection legislation basis;
  • Labour legislation basis;
  • Labour safety norms and rules;
  • Communications skills;
  • Work with minimum supervision;
  • Must be able to plan and organise his/her work load effectively to ensure that problem areas are quickly and efficiently resolved.